Iceland Intro – Premium Golden Circle Tour

The Golden Circle includes the greatest sights in Iceland, covering about 300 kilometers looping from Reykjavík into central Iceland and back.

The Highlights:

* Thingvellir: This pivotal landmark connects all the major events in the founding of the Icelandic commonwealth. It’s also considered the best place on earth to view the North Atlantic divergent ridge.

* Efstidalur farm owned by the same family since 1850 focuses on cattle farming, tourism and horse breeding. Enjoy their tasty farm-to-table food products, the spectacular mountain view and the friendly farm animals.

*Geysir:  Highly active Geysir Hot Spring Area with boiling mud pits, exploding geysers and the lively Strokkur which spouts water 30 meters (100 ft) into the air every few minutes.

*Gullfoss (Golden Waterfall) is an iconic waterfall of Iceland offering a spectacular view of the forces and beauty of untouched nature. Located in South Iceland near to the second largest glacier in Europe Langjökull.

*Kerid:  Kerid is a striking crater-lake filled with milky blue-green water amid stark black and deep red slopes. Geologists now believe it to be a collapsed magma chamber at the end of a volcanic eruption that occurred more than 6,000 years ago.

Of course we are always prepared for an extra stop or photo ops along the way.  And if we’re lucky, we’ll get to pull over to feed Icelandic horses at the side of the road. There is free WiFi in the car so you can share your images with friends and family instantly!

Group size: max. 17 guests, providing a more intimate experience, more flexibility, more free time and more spontaneous encounters than travelling in big groups.

What’s included:

Bus fare
Guided tour
Admission to Kerið
Efstidalur tasty farm-to-table food products. Best Ice cream in Iceland.


The duration of the tour is 8 hours.

Check availability


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